Stephen Dominic Ellery is a musician based in London. He has conducted orchestras in Europe, Asia and Latin America. He learnt conducting from Ilya Musin in санкт петербург and grew up playing jazz, funk etc with his mother.

Stephen has worked extensively with orchestras and singers from Poland. In London he has organised and conducted productions of many operas by Stanisław Moniuszko. In October he presents a new production of Moniuszko’s double bill "Verbum Nobile" and “Flis” at POSK with London based Polish singers and dancers and a cast of soloists from UK and Poland.

During the last decade he has enjoyed a constant working relationship with the Filarmonica de la Ciudad de Mexico with whom he has performed premieres of compositions by mexican composers as well as Mexican masterpieces such as El Noche de las Mayas by Revueltas and also classics from the European reperotoire such as Bartok's Miraculous Mandarin, Hindemith Mathis der Maler, Scriabin Symphony No 2 and much more.

More highlights of 2024 include concerts in Bialystok and a debut concert with the Rzeszow Filharmonia Podkarpacka with whom he performs Penderecki, Ginastera and Walton. At the end of August he cdireects the world premier of the opera Love and Psyche by Florian Leopold Gassmann in southern Japan.

Stephen has performed all over the world and this year his tours extended to Frydek-Mistek (Czech Republic) and Дніпро and Рівне (Ukraine).

As a saxophone player he has performed at music festivals and made recordings. As the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 he happened to be in Berlin and climbed up and played and the image was captured by many photographers.

Contact Telephone (+44) 7845778100 or online